Pulsed Light Therapy

IPL, which stands for 'Intense Pulsed Light Treatment', is a non-invasive method developed to treat both unwanted hair and skin imperfections. After shooting high-energy light flashes through purpose-build lenses, harmful rays are filtered out and only the wavelengths that are useful to achieve a specific predetermined goal remain. With knowledge and correct configuration, IPL can be used to successfully improve sagging skin, wrinkles, acne, scars, rosacea, couperose, broken blood vessels, pigment/age spots and the general skin texture.

Variabele Pulse

Seeing as this technology works by briefly heating targeted parts of the skin, we speak of Thermal Rejuvenation and Selective Thermolysis. With a Variable IPL system (VPL), instead of working with a single flash, we split one into multiple nano flashes of equal strength. Thanks to this innovation, we can now work even more precisely and make a greater distinction between what we do and do not specifically want to see treated. This translates into more power and less occurring discomfort than would be the case with a traditional IPL system.

Clinical Precision

This process was developed by the British 'Energist Medical Group', whose latest instance of this patented system, the Energist VPL ULTRA Plus, has been the most effective IPL machine on the market for a decade. Thanks to three individual headpieces with a large 'spot size' of 5cm², 840 different pulse variations and built-in water cooling, this medically graded red light device is my undisputed choice to work with, especially because its treatments can always be used complementary to chemical peels and/or microneedling.